Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiger Woods is a ho

Damn, I haven't blogged in a long time......I need to take a cue from Tenacious Peaches and blog at least once a day, but I'm gonna have to wait until January 1 - hey, that could be my New Year's resolution!!! I think I'll try it.

So what in the hell is up with Tiger? He ain't even that cute - but hey look at the skank ho's that he supposedly went horizontal with and go figure - a ho 'fo a ho!! If I was his wife, I would take all that summa na beetches money and move to my Swiss island with my half breed younguns!! He knows he brought home some crotch rot..yuck....

1 comment:

  1. I am so freaking sick of hearing about this shit. He's a man, he's got a dick, he cheated. How that is newsworthy is beyond me.
